
Crossing the Boundaries of Media: A Case of the Digital Interview Collection

Date and time
27 September — Friday 13:00-13:15
Room: Stolica

Crossing the Boundaries of Media: A Case of the Digital Interview Collection

An oral history interview could go through multiple transformations. Created first as a (marginal) digital source about local past, it became later a part of the archive, and then, through various unarchiving practices, returned to urban space of Lviv in a format of a city walk, and finally acquired another digital form as a virtual storymap. This circulation will be illustrated with the example of “Creative Communities of Soviet and post-Soviet Lviv” collection of interviews. While discussing numerous transitions between formats and media, we would like to address the issues of overlapping between digital and physical spaces of the city and the role of memory and imagination in this process. Eventually, we are also interested in the journey these stories took from margins to mainstream (and vice versa).

Crossing the Boundaries of Media: A Case of the Digital Interview Collection
